Monday, June 6, 2011

June 4-5

Hello Everyone!
     Things are going great here in Brazil. The other night was the monthly district wide youth service with bands jamming, people dancing and Kristen painting,  all for the glory of God. It was really awesome to worship with the Brazillians. We also sung a couple songs in English up on stage with some musical accompianment from Brazillians. It was such a praise that that all worked out smoothly since we hadn't practiced one of the songs very much. Then yesterday we had the girls spa party at the church which was geared to reach out to the adolescent girls. I shared my testimony about beauty and finding your security in Christ. Then we enjoyed a time of pampering the girls including massages, hair, foot washing, painting nails and face masks. The girls got so excited about the toothpaste and sunglasses we gave them. Then that night was the Sunday worship service at the local church we had been heavily involved with since we've been here. We've built relationships and it was emotional saying gooodbye last night.  (Goodbye because we're going to the interior today which means that we probably won't have internet access to blog until Thurs night.) The Alvorado church surrounded us, blessed and prayed for us and wrote us a thank you note in English up on the screen. It was all so touching. Last night we were able to spend some quality time together as a team, which is always fun. I am soooo thankful for the awesome people God has knit together to form this team. Thank you for your prayers for our unity. God is doing great things. Well, that's about all for now. We're about to go share Jesus in a public school. Please pray for our ministry in the interior for these next couple of days because it will be a lot different lifestyle than what we've experienced here in the city. Thank you all so much for your love and support. It is greatly appreciated.
Julie Ruse

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